Monday 3 December, 2007

Maraland Gospel Centenary Moonlight Award dawngtute

1. Gospel Lifetime Achievement - Rev.Violet
2. Lifetime Achievement - S.Zaluaia
4. Mara first Radio Artist(F) - Nata Azyu
5. Mara 1st Radio Artist (M) - Hmaoko Hlychho
6. Mara 1st album - S.Ngodei
7 Mara Music hmahruaitu - Harry Azyu
8. Lifetime achievement(Music) Khopaw
9. Lifetime achievement (Music) K.Saidi
10. Lifetime achievement (Music) J.Vialua
11. Mara 1st book published - M.Hlychho
12. Best Footballer - Ng.Beirona
13. Best Sportman - Saku
14. Most Promising Artist - J.Ruby
15. Best song promoter - John Beizachhi
16. Best Music Promoter - Beilaizi Bohia
17. Society tana inhmang tha ber : Dr.K.Beichhua
18. Song of the year - Hy Beipa eima Chaly(Beilaizi)
19. Best song writer - FC.Minela
20. Best Band - Johan band
21. Best Sport Promoter - A.Thazi
22. Best Gospel New Artist - Lalhmingliana Chhangte
23. Best New Artist (Lenglong/zem) : Lalrintluangi
24. Best Female Gospel Artist - Kalvary Hlychho
25. Best Male Gospel Artist - L.Khuly
26. Most achieved in Education - L.Mopha
27. Special Award - K.L.Liana,ADMJ
28. Best Gospel Music Video - Bei Zisu eima chaly
29 Best Music Video (Lengzem) : Chapasaivana - Siamkungi
30 Best Musician - Zothankima
31 Album of the year - A.Chhualai
32 Album of the year - Gospel Outreach Ministry
33. National Integration - C.Dinthanga
34. Lai Dist Best female Artist _ Nipuii
35. Lai male Artist - TBC.Zaithanpuia
36. Special Award - HC.Sanglura
37. Special Award - Mami Varte
38. Special Award - C.Zomuanpuii
39. Special Award - Christy Ramdini
40. Special Award - Ruatsangi
41. Best Choir - ECM Gilgal Choir
42. Best male Artist (Lengzem) - Eric Lalvenliana Hlychho
43. Best female Artist (Lengzem) - Vasty Azyu
44. Best Sportwomen - K.Lalnunsiami (Hnaino)
45. Album cover design of the year - Pawsa Notlia
46. SMS singer of ther year - Lalhmingliana Chhangte

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